Our Shire

​CRCs work closely with their Local Government and relationships with the local Shire are especially important.
To find out more about the Shire of Dundas, visit their website http://www.dundas.wa.gov.au/

History of Our Town:

Norseman is a historic gold mining centre and it is said that in 1894 a horse named "Hardy Norseman" had unearthed a gold nugget. A gold rush soon began, hence the naming of the town itself.

About Our Town:

The population of Norseman is approximately 1000-1100 with Norseman being the centre for Gold Mining and having one large Corporate Operation. A Gypsum Plant is located close to town.The Norseman climate is semi-arid with mid to hot temperatures.

Below is our town map, to assist you in navigating your way around our town.

Norseman Map